Publications of David Giaretta

  1. Giaretta, David, Lowry, James, & Kenmoe, Michel. (2024). Indicators of Information Preservation Sustainability. UNESCO and University of Ghana Press.
  2. Giaretta, D., Redondo, T., Martinez, A.G., Fuertes, M. (2022, Dec 19) LABDRIVE, a Petabyte scalable, OAIS/ISO 16363 conformant, for scientific research organisations to preserve documents, processed data, and software, 7th COMPUTATIONAL ARCHIVAL SCIENCE (CAS) WORKSHOP, available from
  3. Giaretta, David (2022). Thinking Digital Preservation,
  4. Giaretta, David Leslie & Redondo, Teo. (2022, June 12). Building LABDRIVE, a Petabyte scale, OAIS/ISO 16363 conformant, environmentally sustainable archive, tested by large scientific organisations to preserve their raw and processed data, software and documents., 17th International Digital Curation Conference with the presentation available at
  5. Invited talk, Digital data, an endangered species? Dec 2021, for the 20th anniversary of AAF – Groupe PIN,
  6. Lin, D., Crabtree, J., Dillo, I., Downs, R., Edmunds, R., Giaretta, D., De Giusti, M., L’Hours, H., Hugo, W., Jenkyns, R., Khodiyar, V., Martone, M., Mokrane, M., Navale, V., Petters, J., Sierman, B., Sokolova, D., Stockhaus, M., & Westbrook, J. (2020). The TRUST Principles for digital repositories. Nature Sci. Data, 7(144).
  7. Giaretta, D. (2020). Preserving and using digitally encoded information as a foundation for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In Thurston, A. (2020) A Matter of Trust, Building Integrity into Data, Statistics and Records to Support the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 153–172). UNIVERSITY OF LONDON PRESS.
  8. Hughes, J., Giaretta, D., Garrett, J., & Ambacher, B. (2019, December). Insights into the ISO16363 Audit of a Digital Repository System. American Geophysical Union. Fall Meeting 2019.
  9. Faundeen, J., Percivall, G., & Giaretta, D. (2019). Archiving and Access Systems for Remote Sensing.
  10. Kearney, M., Giaretta, D., Garrett, J., & Hughes, S. (2018). Digital Preservation Archives–A New Future Architecture for Long-term Interoperability. 2018 SpaceOps COnference, 11.
  11. Hughes, J. S., Crichton, D. J., Giaretta, D., Kearney, M., Downs, R., Hemmje, M., Leone, R., Longstreth, T., Garrett, J., Hardman, S., Joyner, R., McAuley, M., Radulescu, C., & Ambacher, B. (2018, May). A Standard Reference Model for Data Archives. PV2018 Conference.
  12. Yu, J., Baumann, P., Misev, D., Campalani, P., Albani, M., Marelli, F., Giaretta, D., & Crompton, S. (2014). Point of view: Long-Term access to Earth Archives across Multiple Disciplines. Computer Standards & Interfaces.
  13. Robert Downs, D. G., & J Steven Hughes. (2014, March 26). Policy Recommendations for Institutions to Serve as Trustworthy Stewards of Research Data. Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, San Diego, California, USA.
  14. Andrew Riddick, H. G., Fulvio Marelli, M. A., Calogera Tona, Y. M., Yannis Tzitzikas, R. G., & David Giaretta, U. D. G. (2013, April 7). The SCIDIP-ES project – towards an international collaboration strategy for long term preservation of earth science data. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria.
  15. Schäfer, A., Pampel, H., Pfeiffenberger, H., Dallmeier-Tiessen, S., Tissari, S., Darby, R., Giaretta, K., Giaretta, D., Gitmans, K., Helin, H., Lambert, S., Mele, S., Reilly, S., Ruiz, S., Sandberg, M., Schallier, W., Schrimpf, S., Smit, E., Wilkinson, M., & Wilson, M. (2012). Baseline Report on Drivers and Barriers in Data Sharing.
  16. Conway, E., Matthews, B., Giaretta, D., Lambert, S. C., Wilson, M. D., Draper, N., (2012). Managing Risks in the Preservation of Research Data with Preservation Networks. IJDC, 7(1), 3–15.
  17. CCSDS Panel2/DAI. (2012). Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). CCSDS Secretariat.
  18. Albani, M., Marelli, F., Giaretta, D., & Shaon, A. (2012). Science data infrastructure for preservation – Earth Science. IGARSS, 2012, 5270–5273.
  19. Ochsenbein, r, Williams, R., Davenhall, C., Durand, D., Fernique, P., Giaretta, D., Hanisch, R., McGlynn, T., Szalay, A., Taylor, M. B., & Wicenec, A. (2011). IVOA Recommendation: VOTable Format Definition Version 1.2. 10.
  20. Giaretta, D. (2011). Advanced Digital Preservation. Springer.
  21. Conway, E., Giaretta, D., Lambert, S. C., & Matthews, B. (2011). Curating Scientific Research Data for the Long Term: A Preservation Analysis Method in Context. IJDC, 6(2), 38–52.
  22. CCSDS RAC. (2011). Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories. CCSDS Secretariat.
  23. Smit, E., Hoeven, J. V. D., & Giaretta, D. (2010). Avoiding a Digital Dark Age for data: Why publishers should care about digital preservation. Learned Publishing, 24(1), 35–49.
  24. Giaretta, D. (2010). Which Repositories are Worth their Salt? ERCIM News, 80(80).
  25. Dunckley, M., Ronen, S., Henis, E. A., Rabinovici-Cohen, S., Reshef, P., Conway, E., & Giaretta, D. L. (2010). Using XFDU for CASPAR information packaging. OCLC Systems & Services, 26(2), 80–93.
  26. Briguglio, L., Meghini, C., & Giaretta, D. (2010). Best Practices for an OAIS Implementation. ERCIM News, 2010(80), 80.
  27. Giaretta, D. (2010). Digital Preservation Challenges, Infrastructures and Evaluations. In Developing Sustainable Digital Libraries: Socio-Technical Perspectives (pp. 145–159).
  28. Patel, M., Coles, S., Giaretta, D., Rankin, S., & McIlwrath, B. (2009). The Role of OAIS Representation Information in the Digital Curation of Crystallography Data. EScience, 2009, 132–139.
  29. Ng, K., Mikroyannidi, E., Ong, B., & Giaretta, D. (2009). An Ontology Based Framework for the Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Performances. Science, eScience, 40–44.
  30. Giaretta, D., Matthews, B., Bicarregui, J., Lambert, S., Guercio, M., Michetti, G., & Sawyer, D. (2009). Significant Properties, Authenticity, Provenance, Representation Information and OAIS. The Sixth International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects. iPRES 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  31. Giaretta, D. (2009). Spreading the burden: infrastructure & tools for preservation & use of digital resources. African Digital Scholarship and Curation Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.
  32. Giaretta, D. (2009). How does one know which repository is worth its salt. African Digital Scholarship and Curation Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.
  33. Giaretta, D. (2009). Preservation infrastructure in context. African Digital Scholarship and Curation Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.
  34. Giaretta, D. (2009). Tools for Preservation and Use of Complex and Diverse Digital Resources.
  35. Giaretta, D. (2009, April). Data Access and Long Term Data & Knowledge Preservation for Earth Science: An Overview on Some ESA Initiatives and Preservation Workflows, Strategies and Infrastructure. DigCCurr 2009: Digital Curation Practice, Promise and Prospects, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
  36. Sharing the Preservation Burden. (2008). Nuclear Waste Management Conference.
  37. Ng, K., Mikroyannidis, A., Ong, B., & Giaretta, D. (2008). Practicing Ontology Modelling for Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Performances. AXMEDIS ’08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-Channel Distribution.
  38. Mikroyannidis, A., Ong, B., Ng, K., & Giaretta, D. (2008). Ontology-Based Temporal Modelling of Provenance Information. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON’2008), 2008, 176–181.
  39. Giaretta, D. (2008). Science Data and Knowledge Preservation CASPAR and PARSE.Insight [Invited talk]. European Earth Observation Long Term Data Preservation conference, ESRIN.
  40. Giaretta, D. (2008). GRID-Web for Future Generations, by D Giaretta [Invited talk]. Epistemic Networks workshop, Imperial College London.
  41. Giaretta, D. (2008, October). Some European Partnerships [Invited talk]. Partnerships in Innovations II: From Vision to Reality and Beyond, US National Archives (NARA).
  42. Giaretta, D. (2008, October). ISO Process for Audit and Certification of Digital Repositories [Invited talk]. Partnerships in Innovations II: From Vision to Reality and Beyond, US National Archives (NARA).
  43. Factor, M., Naor, D., Rabinovici-Cohen, S., Ramati, L., Reshef, P., Ronen, S., Satran, J., & Giaretta, D. (2008). Preservation DataStores: New storage paradigm for preservation environments. IBM Journal of Research and Development on Storage Technologies and Systems, 52(4–5).
  44. Giaretta, a, & Rankin, S. (2008). Significant Properties of Digital Objects.
  45. (2007). “Think” document accompanying IBM Annual report – page on David Giaretta. 32.
  46. Giaretta, D. (2007). Knowledge retention infrastructures and archives, and their validation.
  47. Giaretta, D. (2007). Invited plenary talk, Trusted Digital Repositories. Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems XVII.
  48. Giaretta, D., Fusco, L., Ross, S., Guercio, M., Hernandez, M., Giammatteo, U. D., Bjelogrlic, Z., Naor, D., Meghini, C., Boi, S., Terrgui, D., Ng, K., Briguglio, L., Christophides, V., Bachimont, B., Vinet, H., & Sedlak, P. (2007). CASPAR project and the validation of digital preservation techniques.
  49. Giaretta, D. (2007). Trusted Data Repositories.
  50. Giaretta, D. (2007). Keynote Speech.
  51. Dunckley, M., Rankin, S., Giaretta, D., & Conway, E. (2007). The Use of File Description languages for File Format Identification and Validation.
  52. Conway, E., Matthews, B., & Giaretta, D. (2007). Exploring the impact of knowledge potential on preservation requirements within an OAIS Archive.
  53. Mikroyannidis, A., Ong, B., Ng, K., & Giaretta, D. (2007). Ontology-Driven Digital Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Performances. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution. Volume for Workshops, Tutorials, Applications and Industrial, 10, 7–10.
  54. Ng, K., Pham, T. V., Ong, B., Mikroyannidis, A., & Giaretta, D. (2007). Ontology for Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Performances. 2Nd International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2007), 11–12.
  55. Giaretta, D. (2007). Invited talk.
  56. Giaretta, D. (2007). Towards an International standard for Audit and Certification of Digital Repositories. Science.
  57. Giaretta, D., & others. (2007). Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist (TRAC).
  58. Giaretta, D. (2007). CASPAR approach, in the splinter session: “E-Infrastructure and long-term preservation.” Science.
  59. Giaretta, D. (2007). CASPAR: Long term preservation of digitally encoded information.
  60. Giaretta, D. (2006). The CASPAR project and a shareable preservation infrastructure. CODATA Task Group on Preservation of and Access to Scientific and Technical Data in Developing Countries, in CODATA 2006 – Scientific Data and Knowledge within the Information Society.
  61. Giaretta, D. (2006). CASPAR and a European Infrastructure for Digital Preservation. ERCIM.
  62. Giaretta, D. (2006). CASPAR and Preservation DataStores.
  63. Giaretta, D. (2006, November). CASPAR – very long term preservation of digitally encoded information.
  64. Giaretta, D. (2006, October). Preservation of and Access to Scientific Knowledge: The Approach in the CASPAR Project. Science.
  65. Giaretta, D. (2006). CASPAR project – Digital Preservation and Digital interoperability.
  66. Grosbl, P., Banse, K., Tody, D., Cotton, W., Cornwell, T. J., Ponz, D., Ignatius, J., Linde, P., Hulst, T. van der, Burwitz, V., Giaretta, D., Pasian, F., Garilli, B., Pence, W., & Shaw, D. (2005). Requirements for a Future Astronomical Data Analysis Environment. 11, 124.
  67. Giaretta, D., & Weaver, H. (2005). Report of the Warwick Workshop, November 2005, Digital Curation and Preservation: Defining the research agenda for the next decade.
  68. Giaretta, D., & Corney, D. (2005). The Digital Curation Centre Experience. DCC Workshop on Cost Models, The British Library, London.
  69. Giaretta, D. (2005). Unpacking the OAIS Model. DELOS summer school.
  70. Giaretta, D. (2005). Role of Registries & Representation Information. DELOS summer school.
  71. Giaretta, D. (2005). DCC Representation Information Registry. DCC Workshop on Long-term Curation within Digital Repositories, Møller Centre, Cambridge.
  72. Giaretta, D. (2005). DCC Persistent Identifiers for Representation Information. DCC Workshop on Persistent Identifiers, Univ of Glasgow.
  73. Rusbridge, C., Burnhill, P., Ross, S., Buneman, P., Giaretta, D., Lyon, E., & Atkinson, M. (2005). The Digital Curation Centre: A Vision for Digital Curation. Local to Global Data Interoperability – Challenges and T Technologies, 2005, 31–41.
  74. Giaretta, D., Rankin, S., McIlwrath, B., Rusbridge, A., & Patel, M. (2005). Representation Information for Interoperability Now and with the Future. Local to Global Data Interoperability – Challenges and Technologies, 2005, 42–46.
  75. Ochsenbein, F., Williams, R., Davenhall, C., Durand, D., Fernique, P., Giaretta, D., Hanisch, R., McGlynn, T., Szalay, A., Taylor, M., & Wicenec, A. (2004). VOTable Format Definition Version 1.1.
  76. Giaretta, D. (2004). Audit and Certification in Digital Preservation.
  77. Draper, P. W., Allan, A., Berry, D. S., Currie, M. J., Giaretta, D., Rankin, S., Gray, N., & Taylor, M. B. (2004). Starlink Software Developments. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV, 347, 22.
  78. Lord, P., Macdonald, A., Lyon, L., & Giaretta, D. (2004). From Data Deluge to Data Curation. Proceedings of the UK E-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, 2004.
  79. Giaretta, D., Lyon, L., & Robinson, B. (2004). Curating for the Future – The work of the Digital Curation Centre. Proceedings of the UK E-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, 2004.
  80. Corney, D., Vere, M. de, Folkes, T., Giaretta, D., Dam, K. K. van, & Lawrence, B. (2004). Applying the OAIS standard to CCLRC’s British Atmospheric Data Centre and the Atlas Petabyte Storage Service. Science.
  81. Giaretta, D., Taylor, M., Platon, R., Chipperfield, A., Draper, P., & McIlwrath, B. (2003). Web Services and Their Use in Starlink Software. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII, 295, 325.
  82. Giaretta, D. L., Gray, N., Berry, D. S., Currie, M. J., Draper, P., & Taylor, M. (2003). Data Models in the VO: How Do They Make Code Better? Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII, 314, 535.
  83. Giaretta, D. L., Currie, M. J., Rankin, S., Draper, P., Berry, D. S., Gray, N., & Taylor, M. (2003). Starlink Software. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII, 314, 832.
  84. Giaretta, D., Taylor, M., Draper, P., Gray, N., & McIlwrath, B. (2003). HDX Data Model: FITS, NDF and XML Implementation. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII, 295, 221.
  85. Bly, M. J., Giaretta, D., Currie, M. J., & Taylor, M. (2003). Starlink Software Developments. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII, 295, 445.
  86. McIlwrath, B. K., & Giaretta, D. L. (2002). Starlink Software: A Grid- and Web-Enabled Future Using Globus? Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ASP Conference Proceedings, 281, 475.
  87. Lawrence, A., Davenhall, C., Mann, R., McMahon, R., Irwin, M., Walton, N., Rixon, G., Watson, M., Osborne, J., Page, C., Allan, P., Giaretta, D., Perry, C., Pike, D., Sherman, J., Murtagh, F., Harra, L., Bentley, R., Mason, K., & Garrington, S. (2002). AstroGrid: The UK’s Virtual Observatory Initiative , The Astrogrid Consortium. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ASP Conference Proceedings, 281, 3.
  88. Giaretta, D., Wallace, P., Bly, M., McIlwrath, B., Page, C., Gray, N., & Taylor, M. (2002). VO Data Model – FITS, XML plus NDF: The Whole is More than the Sum of the Parts. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, 281, 13.
  89. Giaretta, D. (2002). Current Applications of the OAIS Model.
  90. Bly, M. J., Chipperfield, A. J., Giaretta, D. L., Graffagnino, V. G., McIlwrath, B. K., Platon, R. T., Wallace, P. T., Allan, A., Berry, D. S., Davenhall, C., Draper, P. W., Gray, N., Jenness, T., & Taylor, M. B. (2002). Starlink Software Developments. In D. A. Bohlender, D. Durand, & T. H. Handley (Eds.), Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ASP Conference Proceedings (p. 513).
  91. Giaretta, D. (1999). Data archiving and space data interchanging.
  92. Giaretta, D. (1998). ISO Reference Model for Open Archival Information Systems (OAIS). Data Access: From Archive to Real-Time.
  93. Giaretta, D. (1998). New ISO standards for Archives. Data Access: From Archive to Real-Time.
  94. Giaretta. (1998). Cost Savings v Cost Effectiveness of Space Missions and the use of CCSDS Panel 2 Standards. SpaceOps98. SpaceOps98, Tokyo.
  95. Drexler, M., Peccia, N., Sawyer, D., Mazal, P., Giaretta, D., Iwana, Y., & Bergamini, E. (1996). Ccsds Standards for Automated Information Interchange Within Data System. 10, 394.
  96. Walker, S. N., Alleyne, H. S. C., Wooliscroft, L. J. C., Giaretta, D. L., Hapgood, M. A., Lepine, D. R., Read, B. J., Albrecht, M. A., Ciarlo, A., Stokke, H., & Torrente, P. (1992). A space-physics query language for the European Space Information System. ESA Journal, 16, 463–476.
  97. Giaretta, D., & Dunford, E. (1991). The Space Data Centre at RAL. Databases and On-Line Data in Astronomy, 171, 161.
  98. Giaretta, D., Mead, J. M., & Benvenuti, P. (1987). Mining the IUE Archive. In Y. Kondo & W. Wamsteker (Eds.), Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite (Vol. 129, p. 759). Reidel.
  99. Giaretta, D., & Arya, J. (1986). IUE low dispersion microfiche plots.
  100. Bates, B., Brown-Kerr, W., Giaretta, D. L., & Keenan, F. P. (1984). Further studies of nearby high velocity interstellar gas. 4Th European IUE Conf., 218, 15–18.
  101. Bates, B., Brown-Kerr, W., Giaretta, D. L., & Keenan, F. P. (1983). IUE observations of high velocity interstellar gas tentatively associated with radio Loop II. Astrophys., 122, 64–68.
  102. Bates, B., Bankhead, R. E. L., Brown-Kerr, W., Byrne, F. N., Giaretta, D. L., & McQuoid, J. A. (1982). Astronomical spectroscopy with an echelle-interferometer Cassegrain spectrograph. Opt., 21, 2794–2798.
  103. Bates, B., Brown-Kerr, W., & Giaretta, D. L. (1982). High velocity gas components associated with supergiant stars and interstellar gas. 3Rd European IUE Conference.
  104. Bates, B., Giaretta, D. L., & Brown-Kerr, W. (1981). IUE observations of high-velocity components in spectra of beta Orionis. Not. Royal Ast. Soc., 195, 9P-13P.
  105. Giaretta, D. L., Bates, B., Bankhead, R. E. L., Brown-Kerr, W., & McQuoid, J. A. (1980). Observations of high velocity components. 2Nd European IUE Conference, Tubingen, Germany, 28, 26–28.
  106. Giaretta, D. L., & Bates, B. (1980). Comments on the existence of circumstellar clouds derived from interstellar Mg observations. Astrophysics and Space Science, 71, 211–217.
  107. Giaretta, D. L. (1980). On absolute and convective instabilities. Astrophys., 88, 113–116.
  108. Giaretta, D. L. (1980). On Field’s Compton scattering instability. Astrophysics and Space Science, 69, 505–509.
  109. Bates, B., Brown-Kerr, W., Giaretta, D. L., McQuoid, J. A., Boksenberg, A., Pettini, M., Towlson, W. A., & Welsh, B. Y. (1980). UK programmes in balloon ultraviolet astronomy. 5Th ESA-PAC Symposium on European Rocket & Balloon Programmes & Related Research, 18, 14–18.
  110. Bates, B., Giaretta, D. L., McCartney, D. J., McQuoid, J. A., & Bankhead, R. E. L. (1980). IUE and balloon spectra observations of mass loss from Beta Orionis. Not. Royal Ast. Soc., 190, 611–621.
  111. Bates, B., Giaretta, D. L., & Sweeney, P. J. P. (1980). The application of a coherent optical data processing system to photographically recorded astronomical spectra. Astrophys., 90, 318–323.
  112. Bates, B., Giaretta, D., & Coll, R. (1980). IUE and balloon spectra of bright early type stars. Irish Astronomical Journal, 14, 114–121.
  113. Giaretta, D. L., & t. Haar, D. (1979). An extension of Hurwitz’s criterion II, Application to instabilities in the interstellar medium. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenscschappen, Series B, 82–81(1), 17–21.
  114. Giaretta, D. L., & t. Haar, D. (1979). Radiation-driven instabilities in interstellar space. Not. Royal Ast. Soc., 187, 421–429.
  115. Giaretta, D. L., & t. Haar, D. (1979). An extension of Hurwitz’s criterion I, Basic Theory. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenscschappen, Series B, 82–81(1), 11–16.
  116. Giaretta, D. L. (1979). Instabilities in molecular Hydrogen clouds. Astrophys., 78, 328–334.
  117. Giaretta, D. L. (1979). Polynomial dispersion relationships. Astrophys., 75, 273–275.
  118. Giaretta, D. (1979). On the non-linear relationships between N(Ca II), N(K I) and N(H). Astrophysics and Space Science, 63, 379–387.
  119. Bates, B., Coll, R. F., Giaretta, D. L., McCartney, C. D., McKeith, C. D., McQuoid, J. A., & Noble, S. M. (1979). Interferometric Observations of the Interstellar Mg I Line Structure in Zeta Ori in the Balloon UV. Astrophys., 71, 22–24.
  120. Bates, B., Byrne, F. N., Giaretta, D. L., McCartney, D. J., & McQuoid, A. J. (1978). An interferometer-echelle spectrograph for high resolution spectrography using moderate size telescopes. Proc of the 4th International Colloquium on Astrophysics.
  121. Giaretta, D. L. (1976). A note on the electrostatic attraction between charged spherical grains. Astrophysics and Space Science, 44, L5-8.

ISO standards

  1. ISO 12175:1994 Standard formatted data units — Structure and construction rules
  2. ISO 13764:1996 Standard formatted data units — Control authority procedures
  3. ISO 14962:1997 ASCII encoded English
  4. ISO 15395:1998 Standard formatted data units — Control authority data structures
  5. ISO 15888:2000 Standard formatted data units — Referencing environment
  6. ISO 14961:2002 Parameter value language specification
  7. ISO 15889:2003 Data description language — EAST specification
  8. ISO 21961:2003 Data entity dictionary specification language (DEDSL) — Abstract syntax
  9. ISO 21962:2003 Data entity dictionary specification language (DEDSL) — PVL syntax
  10. ISO 22643:2003 Data entity dictionary specification language (DEDSL) — XML/DTD Syntax
  11. ISO 20652:2006 Producer-archive interface — Methodology abstract standard
  12. ISO 13527:2010 XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
  13. ISO 14721:2012[1] Open archival information system — Reference model
  14. ISO 16363:2012[2] Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories
  15. ISO 16919:2014 Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Candidate Trustworthy Digital Repositories

[1] Also available free from  or later version.

[2] Also available free from