- Giaretta, David, Lowry, James, & Kenmoe, Michel. (2024). Indicators of Information Preservation Sustainability. UNESCO and University of Ghana Press. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000392169
- Giaretta, D., Redondo, T., Martinez, A.G., Fuertes, M. (2022, Dec 19) LABDRIVE, a Petabyte scalable, OAIS/ISO 16363 conformant, for scientific research organisations to preserve documents, processed data, and software, 7th COMPUTATIONAL ARCHIVAL SCIENCE (CAS) WORKSHOP, available from https://ai-collaboratory.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/David_Giaretta.pdf
- Giaretta, David (2022). Thinking Digital Preservation, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BK39T9ZP
- Giaretta, David Leslie & Redondo, Teo. (2022, June 12). Building LABDRIVE, a Petabyte scale, OAIS/ISO 16363 conformant, environmentally sustainable archive, tested by large scientific organisations to preserve their raw and processed data, software and documents., 17th International Digital Curation Conference https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6636295 with the presentation available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6636362
- Invited talk, Digital data, an endangered species? Dec 2021, for the 20th anniversary of AAF – Groupe PIN, https://pin20ans.sciencesconf.org/program
- Lin, D., Crabtree, J., Dillo, I., Downs, R., Edmunds, R., Giaretta, D., De Giusti, M., L’Hours, H., Hugo, W., Jenkyns, R., Khodiyar, V., Martone, M., Mokrane, M., Navale, V., Petters, J., Sierman, B., Sokolova, D., Stockhaus, M., & Westbrook, J. (2020). The TRUST Principles for digital repositories. Nature Sci. Data, 7(144).
- Giaretta, D. (2020). Preserving and using digitally encoded information as a foundation for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In Thurston, A. (2020) A Matter of Trust, Building Integrity into Data, Statistics and Records to Support the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 153–172). UNIVERSITY OF LONDON PRESS.
- Hughes, J., Giaretta, D., Garrett, J., & Ambacher, B. (2019, December). Insights into the ISO16363 Audit of a Digital Repository System. American Geophysical Union. Fall Meeting 2019.
- Faundeen, J., Percivall, G., & Giaretta, D. (2019). Archiving and Access Systems for Remote Sensing. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.14358/MRS/Chapter6
- Kearney, M., Giaretta, D., Garrett, J., & Hughes, S. (2018). Digital Preservation Archives–A New Future Architecture for Long-term Interoperability. 2018 SpaceOps COnference, 11. https://doi.org/https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.2018-2402
- Hughes, J. S., Crichton, D. J., Giaretta, D., Kearney, M., Downs, R., Hemmje, M., Leone, R., Longstreth, T., Garrett, J., Hardman, S., Joyner, R., McAuley, M., Radulescu, C., & Ambacher, B. (2018, May). A Standard Reference Model for Data Archives. PV2018 Conference.
- Yu, J., Baumann, P., Misev, D., Campalani, P., Albani, M., Marelli, F., Giaretta, D., & Crompton, S. (2014). Point of view: Long-Term access to Earth Archives across Multiple Disciplines. Computer Standards & Interfaces. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2014.04.001
- Robert Downs, D. G., & J Steven Hughes. (2014, March 26). Policy Recommendations for Institutions to Serve as Trustworthy Stewards of Research Data. Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, San Diego, California, USA.
- Andrew Riddick, H. G., Fulvio Marelli, M. A., Calogera Tona, Y. M., Yannis Tzitzikas, R. G., & David Giaretta, U. D. G. (2013, April 7). The SCIDIP-ES project – towards an international collaboration strategy for long term preservation of earth science data. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria.
- Schäfer, A., Pampel, H., Pfeiffenberger, H., Dallmeier-Tiessen, S., Tissari, S., Darby, R., Giaretta, K., Giaretta, D., Gitmans, K., Helin, H., Lambert, S., Mele, S., Reilly, S., Ruiz, S., Sandberg, M., Schallier, W., Schrimpf, S., Smit, E., Wilkinson, M., & Wilson, M. (2012). Baseline Report on Drivers and Barriers in Data Sharing.
- Conway, E., Matthews, B., Giaretta, D., Lambert, S. C., Wilson, M. D., Draper, N., (2012). Managing Risks in the Preservation of Research Data with Preservation Networks. IJDC, 7(1), 3–15.
- CCSDS Panel2/DAI. (2012). Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). CCSDS Secretariat.
- Albani, M., Marelli, F., Giaretta, D., & Shaon, A. (2012). Science data infrastructure for preservation – Earth Science. IGARSS, 2012, 5270–5273.
- Ochsenbein, r, Williams, R., Davenhall, C., Durand, D., Fernique, P., Giaretta, D., Hanisch, R., McGlynn, T., Szalay, A., Taylor, M. B., & Wicenec, A. (2011). IVOA Recommendation: VOTable Format Definition Version 1.2. 10.
- Giaretta, D. (2011). Advanced Digital Preservation. Springer.
- Conway, E., Giaretta, D., Lambert, S. C., & Matthews, B. (2011). Curating Scientific Research Data for the Long Term: A Preservation Analysis Method in Context. IJDC, 6(2), 38–52.
- CCSDS RAC. (2011). Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories. CCSDS Secretariat.
- Smit, E., Hoeven, J. V. D., & Giaretta, D. (2010). Avoiding a Digital Dark Age for data: Why publishers should care about digital preservation. Learned Publishing, 24(1), 35–49.
- Giaretta, D. (2010). Which Repositories are Worth their Salt? ERCIM News, 80(80).
- Dunckley, M., Ronen, S., Henis, E. A., Rabinovici-Cohen, S., Reshef, P., Conway, E., & Giaretta, D. L. (2010). Using XFDU for CASPAR information packaging. OCLC Systems & Services, 26(2), 80–93.
- Briguglio, L., Meghini, C., & Giaretta, D. (2010). Best Practices for an OAIS Implementation. ERCIM News, 2010(80), 80.
- Giaretta, D. (2010). Digital Preservation Challenges, Infrastructures and Evaluations. In Developing Sustainable Digital Libraries: Socio-Technical Perspectives (pp. 145–159).
- Patel, M., Coles, S., Giaretta, D., Rankin, S., & McIlwrath, B. (2009). The Role of OAIS Representation Information in the Digital Curation of Crystallography Data. EScience, 2009, 132–139.
- Ng, K., Mikroyannidi, E., Ong, B., & Giaretta, D. (2009). An Ontology Based Framework for the Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Performances. Science, eScience, 40–44.
- Giaretta, D., Matthews, B., Bicarregui, J., Lambert, S., Guercio, M., Michetti, G., & Sawyer, D. (2009). Significant Properties, Authenticity, Provenance, Representation Information and OAIS. The Sixth International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects. iPRES 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
- Giaretta, D. (2009). Spreading the burden: infrastructure & tools for preservation & use of digital resources. African Digital Scholarship and Curation Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.
- Giaretta, D. (2009). How does one know which repository is worth its salt. African Digital Scholarship and Curation Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.
- Giaretta, D. (2009). Preservation infrastructure in context. African Digital Scholarship and Curation Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.
- Giaretta, D. (2009). Tools for Preservation and Use of Complex and Diverse Digital Resources.
- Giaretta, D. (2009, April). Data Access and Long Term Data & Knowledge Preservation for Earth Science: An Overview on Some ESA Initiatives and Preservation Workflows, Strategies and Infrastructure. DigCCurr 2009: Digital Curation Practice, Promise and Prospects, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
- Sharing the Preservation Burden. (2008). Nuclear Waste Management Conference.
- Ng, K., Mikroyannidis, A., Ong, B., & Giaretta, D. (2008). Practicing Ontology Modelling for Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Performances. AXMEDIS ’08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-Channel Distribution.
- Mikroyannidis, A., Ong, B., Ng, K., & Giaretta, D. (2008). Ontology-Based Temporal Modelling of Provenance Information. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON’2008), 2008, 176–181.
- Giaretta, D. (2008). Science Data and Knowledge Preservation CASPAR and PARSE.Insight [Invited talk]. European Earth Observation Long Term Data Preservation conference, ESRIN.
- Giaretta, D. (2008). GRID-Web for Future Generations, by D Giaretta [Invited talk]. Epistemic Networks workshop, Imperial College London.
- Giaretta, D. (2008, October). Some European Partnerships [Invited talk]. Partnerships in Innovations II: From Vision to Reality and Beyond, US National Archives (NARA).
- Giaretta, D. (2008, October). ISO Process for Audit and Certification of Digital Repositories [Invited talk]. Partnerships in Innovations II: From Vision to Reality and Beyond, US National Archives (NARA).
- Factor, M., Naor, D., Rabinovici-Cohen, S., Ramati, L., Reshef, P., Ronen, S., Satran, J., & Giaretta, D. (2008). Preservation DataStores: New storage paradigm for preservation environments. IBM Journal of Research and Development on Storage Technologies and Systems, 52(4–5).
- Giaretta, a, & Rankin, S. (2008). Significant Properties of Digital Objects.
- (2007). “Think” document accompanying IBM Annual report – page on David Giaretta. 32.
- Giaretta, D. (2007). Knowledge retention infrastructures and archives, and their validation.
- Giaretta, D. (2007). Invited plenary talk, Trusted Digital Repositories. Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems XVII.
- Giaretta, D., Fusco, L., Ross, S., Guercio, M., Hernandez, M., Giammatteo, U. D., Bjelogrlic, Z., Naor, D., Meghini, C., Boi, S., Terrgui, D., Ng, K., Briguglio, L., Christophides, V., Bachimont, B., Vinet, H., & Sedlak, P. (2007). CASPAR project and the validation of digital preservation techniques.
- Giaretta, D. (2007). Trusted Data Repositories.
- Giaretta, D. (2007). Keynote Speech.
- Dunckley, M., Rankin, S., Giaretta, D., & Conway, E. (2007). The Use of File Description languages for File Format Identification and Validation.
- Conway, E., Matthews, B., & Giaretta, D. (2007). Exploring the impact of knowledge potential on preservation requirements within an OAIS Archive.
- Mikroyannidis, A., Ong, B., Ng, K., & Giaretta, D. (2007). Ontology-Driven Digital Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Performances. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution. Volume for Workshops, Tutorials, Applications and Industrial, 10, 7–10.
- Ng, K., Pham, T. V., Ong, B., Mikroyannidis, A., & Giaretta, D. (2007). Ontology for Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Performances. 2Nd International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2007), 11–12.
- Giaretta, D. (2007). Invited talk.
- Giaretta, D. (2007). Towards an International standard for Audit and Certification of Digital Repositories. Science.
- Giaretta, D., & others. (2007). Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist (TRAC).
- Giaretta, D. (2007). CASPAR approach, in the splinter session: “E-Infrastructure and long-term preservation.” Science.
- Giaretta, D. (2007). CASPAR: Long term preservation of digitally encoded information.
- Giaretta, D. (2006). The CASPAR project and a shareable preservation infrastructure. CODATA Task Group on Preservation of and Access to Scientific and Technical Data in Developing Countries, in CODATA 2006 – Scientific Data and Knowledge within the Information Society.
- Giaretta, D. (2006). CASPAR and a European Infrastructure for Digital Preservation. ERCIM.
- Giaretta, D. (2006). CASPAR and Preservation DataStores.
- Giaretta, D. (2006, November). CASPAR – very long term preservation of digitally encoded information.
- Giaretta, D. (2006, October). Preservation of and Access to Scientific Knowledge: The Approach in the CASPAR Project. Science.
- Giaretta, D. (2006). CASPAR project – Digital Preservation and Digital interoperability.
- Grosbl, P., Banse, K., Tody, D., Cotton, W., Cornwell, T. J., Ponz, D., Ignatius, J., Linde, P., Hulst, T. van der, Burwitz, V., Giaretta, D., Pasian, F., Garilli, B., Pence, W., & Shaw, D. (2005). Requirements for a Future Astronomical Data Analysis Environment. 11, 124.
- Giaretta, D., & Weaver, H. (2005). Report of the Warwick Workshop, November 2005, Digital Curation and Preservation: Defining the research agenda for the next decade.
- Giaretta, D., & Corney, D. (2005). The Digital Curation Centre Experience. DCC Workshop on Cost Models, The British Library, London.
- Giaretta, D. (2005). Unpacking the OAIS Model. DELOS summer school.
- Giaretta, D. (2005). Role of Registries & Representation Information. DELOS summer school.
- Giaretta, D. (2005). DCC Representation Information Registry. DCC Workshop on Long-term Curation within Digital Repositories, Møller Centre, Cambridge.
- Giaretta, D. (2005). DCC Persistent Identifiers for Representation Information. DCC Workshop on Persistent Identifiers, Univ of Glasgow.
- Rusbridge, C., Burnhill, P., Ross, S., Buneman, P., Giaretta, D., Lyon, E., & Atkinson, M. (2005). The Digital Curation Centre: A Vision for Digital Curation. Local to Global Data Interoperability – Challenges and T Technologies, 2005, 31–41.
- Giaretta, D., Rankin, S., McIlwrath, B., Rusbridge, A., & Patel, M. (2005). Representation Information for Interoperability Now and with the Future. Local to Global Data Interoperability – Challenges and Technologies, 2005, 42–46.
- Ochsenbein, F., Williams, R., Davenhall, C., Durand, D., Fernique, P., Giaretta, D., Hanisch, R., McGlynn, T., Szalay, A., Taylor, M., & Wicenec, A. (2004). VOTable Format Definition Version 1.1.
- Giaretta, D. (2004). Audit and Certification in Digital Preservation.
- Draper, P. W., Allan, A., Berry, D. S., Currie, M. J., Giaretta, D., Rankin, S., Gray, N., & Taylor, M. B. (2004). Starlink Software Developments. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV, 347, 22.
- Lord, P., Macdonald, A., Lyon, L., & Giaretta, D. (2004). From Data Deluge to Data Curation. Proceedings of the UK E-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, 2004.
- Giaretta, D., Lyon, L., & Robinson, B. (2004). Curating for the Future – The work of the Digital Curation Centre. Proceedings of the UK E-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, 2004.
- Corney, D., Vere, M. de, Folkes, T., Giaretta, D., Dam, K. K. van, & Lawrence, B. (2004). Applying the OAIS standard to CCLRC’s British Atmospheric Data Centre and the Atlas Petabyte Storage Service. Science.
- Giaretta, D., Taylor, M., Platon, R., Chipperfield, A., Draper, P., & McIlwrath, B. (2003). Web Services and Their Use in Starlink Software. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII, 295, 325.
- Giaretta, D. L., Gray, N., Berry, D. S., Currie, M. J., Draper, P., & Taylor, M. (2003). Data Models in the VO: How Do They Make Code Better? Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII, 314, 535.
- Giaretta, D. L., Currie, M. J., Rankin, S., Draper, P., Berry, D. S., Gray, N., & Taylor, M. (2003). Starlink Software. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII, 314, 832.
- Giaretta, D., Taylor, M., Draper, P., Gray, N., & McIlwrath, B. (2003). HDX Data Model: FITS, NDF and XML Implementation. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII, 295, 221.
- Bly, M. J., Giaretta, D., Currie, M. J., & Taylor, M. (2003). Starlink Software Developments. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII, 295, 445.
- McIlwrath, B. K., & Giaretta, D. L. (2002). Starlink Software: A Grid- and Web-Enabled Future Using Globus? Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ASP Conference Proceedings, 281, 475.
- Lawrence, A., Davenhall, C., Mann, R., McMahon, R., Irwin, M., Walton, N., Rixon, G., Watson, M., Osborne, J., Page, C., Allan, P., Giaretta, D., Perry, C., Pike, D., Sherman, J., Murtagh, F., Harra, L., Bentley, R., Mason, K., & Garrington, S. (2002). AstroGrid: The UK’s Virtual Observatory Initiative , The Astrogrid Consortium. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ASP Conference Proceedings, 281, 3.
- Giaretta, D., Wallace, P., Bly, M., McIlwrath, B., Page, C., Gray, N., & Taylor, M. (2002). VO Data Model – FITS, XML plus NDF: The Whole is More than the Sum of the Parts. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, 281, 13.
- Giaretta, D. (2002). Current Applications of the OAIS Model.
- Bly, M. J., Chipperfield, A. J., Giaretta, D. L., Graffagnino, V. G., McIlwrath, B. K., Platon, R. T., Wallace, P. T., Allan, A., Berry, D. S., Davenhall, C., Draper, P. W., Gray, N., Jenness, T., & Taylor, M. B. (2002). Starlink Software Developments. In D. A. Bohlender, D. Durand, & T. H. Handley (Eds.), Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ASP Conference Proceedings (p. 513).
- Giaretta, D. (1999). Data archiving and space data interchanging.
- Giaretta, D. (1998). ISO Reference Model for Open Archival Information Systems (OAIS). Data Access: From Archive to Real-Time.
- Giaretta, D. (1998). New ISO standards for Archives. Data Access: From Archive to Real-Time.
- Giaretta. (1998). Cost Savings v Cost Effectiveness of Space Missions and the use of CCSDS Panel 2 Standards. SpaceOps98. SpaceOps98, Tokyo.
- Drexler, M., Peccia, N., Sawyer, D., Mazal, P., Giaretta, D., Iwana, Y., & Bergamini, E. (1996). Ccsds Standards for Automated Information Interchange Within Data System. 10, 394.
- Walker, S. N., Alleyne, H. S. C., Wooliscroft, L. J. C., Giaretta, D. L., Hapgood, M. A., Lepine, D. R., Read, B. J., Albrecht, M. A., Ciarlo, A., Stokke, H., & Torrente, P. (1992). A space-physics query language for the European Space Information System. ESA Journal, 16, 463–476.
- Giaretta, D., & Dunford, E. (1991). The Space Data Centre at RAL. Databases and On-Line Data in Astronomy, 171, 161.
- Giaretta, D., Mead, J. M., & Benvenuti, P. (1987). Mining the IUE Archive. In Y. Kondo & W. Wamsteker (Eds.), Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite (Vol. 129, p. 759). Reidel.
- Giaretta, D., & Arya, J. (1986). IUE low dispersion microfiche plots.
- Bates, B., Brown-Kerr, W., Giaretta, D. L., & Keenan, F. P. (1984). Further studies of nearby high velocity interstellar gas. 4Th European IUE Conf., 218, 15–18.
- Bates, B., Brown-Kerr, W., Giaretta, D. L., & Keenan, F. P. (1983). IUE observations of high velocity interstellar gas tentatively associated with radio Loop II. Astrophys., 122, 64–68.
- Bates, B., Bankhead, R. E. L., Brown-Kerr, W., Byrne, F. N., Giaretta, D. L., & McQuoid, J. A. (1982). Astronomical spectroscopy with an echelle-interferometer Cassegrain spectrograph. Opt., 21, 2794–2798.
- Bates, B., Brown-Kerr, W., & Giaretta, D. L. (1982). High velocity gas components associated with supergiant stars and interstellar gas. 3Rd European IUE Conference.
- Bates, B., Giaretta, D. L., & Brown-Kerr, W. (1981). IUE observations of high-velocity components in spectra of beta Orionis. Not. Royal Ast. Soc., 195, 9P-13P.
- Giaretta, D. L., Bates, B., Bankhead, R. E. L., Brown-Kerr, W., & McQuoid, J. A. (1980). Observations of high velocity components. 2Nd European IUE Conference, Tubingen, Germany, 28, 26–28.
- Giaretta, D. L., & Bates, B. (1980). Comments on the existence of circumstellar clouds derived from interstellar Mg observations. Astrophysics and Space Science, 71, 211–217.
- Giaretta, D. L. (1980). On absolute and convective instabilities. Astrophys., 88, 113–116.
- Giaretta, D. L. (1980). On Field’s Compton scattering instability. Astrophysics and Space Science, 69, 505–509.
- Bates, B., Brown-Kerr, W., Giaretta, D. L., McQuoid, J. A., Boksenberg, A., Pettini, M., Towlson, W. A., & Welsh, B. Y. (1980). UK programmes in balloon ultraviolet astronomy. 5Th ESA-PAC Symposium on European Rocket & Balloon Programmes & Related Research, 18, 14–18.
- Bates, B., Giaretta, D. L., McCartney, D. J., McQuoid, J. A., & Bankhead, R. E. L. (1980). IUE and balloon spectra observations of mass loss from Beta Orionis. Not. Royal Ast. Soc., 190, 611–621.
- Bates, B., Giaretta, D. L., & Sweeney, P. J. P. (1980). The application of a coherent optical data processing system to photographically recorded astronomical spectra. Astrophys., 90, 318–323.
- Bates, B., Giaretta, D., & Coll, R. (1980). IUE and balloon spectra of bright early type stars. Irish Astronomical Journal, 14, 114–121.
- Giaretta, D. L., & t. Haar, D. (1979). An extension of Hurwitz’s criterion II, Application to instabilities in the interstellar medium. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenscschappen, Series B, 82–81(1), 17–21.
- Giaretta, D. L., & t. Haar, D. (1979). Radiation-driven instabilities in interstellar space. Not. Royal Ast. Soc., 187, 421–429.
- Giaretta, D. L., & t. Haar, D. (1979). An extension of Hurwitz’s criterion I, Basic Theory. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenscschappen, Series B, 82–81(1), 11–16.
- Giaretta, D. L. (1979). Instabilities in molecular Hydrogen clouds. Astrophys., 78, 328–334.
- Giaretta, D. L. (1979). Polynomial dispersion relationships. Astrophys., 75, 273–275.
- Giaretta, D. (1979). On the non-linear relationships between N(Ca II), N(K I) and N(H). Astrophysics and Space Science, 63, 379–387.
- Bates, B., Coll, R. F., Giaretta, D. L., McCartney, C. D., McKeith, C. D., McQuoid, J. A., & Noble, S. M. (1979). Interferometric Observations of the Interstellar Mg I Line Structure in Zeta Ori in the Balloon UV. Astrophys., 71, 22–24.
- Bates, B., Byrne, F. N., Giaretta, D. L., McCartney, D. J., & McQuoid, A. J. (1978). An interferometer-echelle spectrograph for high resolution spectrography using moderate size telescopes. Proc of the 4th International Colloquium on Astrophysics.
- Giaretta, D. L. (1976). A note on the electrostatic attraction between charged spherical grains. Astrophysics and Space Science, 44, L5-8.
ISO standards
- ISO 12175:1994 Standard formatted data units — Structure and construction rules
- ISO 13764:1996 Standard formatted data units — Control authority procedures
- ISO 14962:1997 ASCII encoded English
- ISO 15395:1998 Standard formatted data units — Control authority data structures
- ISO 15888:2000 Standard formatted data units — Referencing environment
- ISO 14961:2002 Parameter value language specification
- ISO 15889:2003 Data description language — EAST specification
- ISO 21961:2003 Data entity dictionary specification language (DEDSL) — Abstract syntax
- ISO 21962:2003 Data entity dictionary specification language (DEDSL) — PVL syntax
- ISO 22643:2003 Data entity dictionary specification language (DEDSL) — XML/DTD Syntax
- ISO 20652:2006 Producer-archive interface — Methodology abstract standard
- ISO 13527:2010 XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
- ISO 14721:2012[1] Open archival information system — Reference model
- ISO 16363:2012[2] Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories
- ISO 16919:2014 Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Candidate Trustworthy Digital Repositories
[1] Also available free from http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/650x0m2.pdf or later version.
[2] Also available free from http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/652x1m1.pdf