In the knowledge economy digital preservation is needed by almost organisations because a large part of their intellectual capital is digitally encoded.
Digital preservation enables that capital to be exploited into the future – and adds value to it today.
Giaretta Associates is a uniquely positioned, through proven contributions to the fundamental digital preservation standards and projects to provide expert consultancy.
Most organisations depend on their digitally encoded capital. Backup plans can help ensure business continuity in case of disaster but how can your organisation ensure that it benefits from its digital capital? Giaretta Associates can provide advice and guidance about ways to to ensure your data is valuable now and into the future including: If...
Training is available as part of the PTAB and also as tailored courses about OAIS audit and certification preservation infrastructure all aspects of digital preservation Some example videos are available :
Software solutions
Giaretta Associates can provide and support software solutions for: a complete preservation system components to implement improvement plans of an existing repository broadening the scope of a repository - such as to be able to preserve scientific data
David has initiated and led a number of projects, implementing the strategic plan of the APA: Common Aims The APA members’ common aim is to develop a shared vision and framework for a sustainable organisational infrastructure for permanent access to digitally encoded information. APA members include large international (CERN, ESA) and national (STFC, Helmholtz, CSC...
David Giaretta was chair of the panel which produced the OAIS Reference Model (ISO 14721), ‘now adopted as the “de facto” standard for building digital archives’, made fundamental contributions to OAIS, continues to contribute to the follow on standards and led the recent update of OAIS. He leads the group which produced the ISO standard for audit and...
If you wish to discuss your requirements or need further information, please contact David Giaretta:
Email: david[at]
Tel: +44 (0)1935 872660
Mobile: +44 (0)7770 326304
The following shows a number of the activities which David Giaretta has led:
- Expertise, consultancy and advice
- APARSEN results which collected and evaluated the results from the huge numbers of research projects on digital preservation in order to build a consistent and coherent integrated view of digital preservation in a business process, also providing guidance on which technique works in which circumstances :
- ODE collected evidence about the opportunities for data exchange which should be important for all stakeholders in the scientific process: policy makers, funders, infrastructure operators, data centres, data providers and users, libraries and publishers.
- APARSEN results which collected and evaluated the results from the huge numbers of research projects on digital preservation in order to build a consistent and coherent integrated view of digital preservation in a business process, also providing guidance on which technique works in which circumstances
- Information about the fundamental standards of digital preservation by the authors of those standards
- The source of information about OAIS (ISO 14721)
- The source of information about the ISO 16363 standard about audit and certification of trustworthy repositories
- The source of information about OAIS (ISO 14721)
- Fundamental research in digital preservation
- PARSE.Insight collected information from thousands of researchers, and large numbers of repository managers and publishers across disciplines and across the world about their requirements, ideas and concerns about digital preservation
- CASPAR undertook fundamental research in digital preservation across science, cultural heritage and contemporary performing arts. It created prototypes for tools and services to support digital preservation consistent with OAIS, and collected a great deal of evidence of the effectiveness of the tools and services in terms of OAIS concepts and to counter the threats to preservation identified in PARSE.Insight.
- PARSE.Insight collected information from thousands of researchers, and large numbers of repository managers and publishers across disciplines and across the world about their requirements, ideas and concerns about digital preservation
- Tools and Services for digital preservation - building on the results of CASPAR and PARSE.Insight
- SCIDIP-ES developed the prototypes from CASPAR to create robust and scalable services.
- The SCIDIP-ES tools and services may be found here
- SCIDIP-ES developed the prototypes from CASPAR to create robust and scalable services.